Charles Evans Center will now be known as CEC Health Care

Message From The Executive Director


October 1, 2023
ATTENTION: Charles Evans Center will now be known as CEC Health Care. This change reflects the expansion of services at all of our locations.
I am happy to announce that we will now be known as CEC Health Care. This name change will underscore our commitment to partnering with those we serve in promoting their health and overall well-being. The name “Charles Evans Center” did not seem to covey to the public that we are a health care company. The name “CEC Health Care” will tell people who we are and what we do, in a more direct, concise way.

Over the next few weeks we look forward to rolling out our rebranded material including our website, social media, printed materials and signage. The name and logo update will be for marketing purposes. Our corporate name will remain the Charles Evans Center.

Please look out for the announcement to the public on our social media platforms!

Thank you,

James R. Dolan, Jr., DSW, LCSW