How Can a Podiatrist in Uniondale that Accepts Medicaid Help My Bunions?
Bunions are bony bumps, that form over time, on the joint where your big toe meets your foot, which can cause great discomfort. Bulging lumps on this joint can be a visible sign of a bunion. The bunion may also be red or swollen, and can cause pain or discomfort in the area. If left untreated, bunions can grow, making it hard to move your toes, especially the affected area near the big toe. Bunions can be caused for many reasons, including rheumatoid arthritis and shoes that do not fit properly. There are many ways to treat bunions, and listed below are some various treatment options to manage and alleviate your pain. Contact our Podiatrist in Uniondale that Accepts Medicaid at CEC Health Center today to learn more.
Change Shoes
Although treating bunions may be more complicated than simply changing shoes, sometimes this is all you will need to manage your pain. If you are wearing shoes that are too tight, or are not proper footwear, bunions may form or worsen. Your shoes should have sufficient room for your toes. If you wear heels, try switching to heels that are lower than two inches. High heels can put unnecessary pressure on the front of your feet and can eventually cause bunions. If you are wearing uncomfortable shoes, especially ones that are tight or pointed, consider changing your footwear.
Apply Ice
If you have bunions that are swollen, sore, and/or painful, ice is a great treatment option to reduce the uncomfortable effects that bunions can cause. You can use an ice pack, or place ice in a towel and apply it to the affected area. It is important that you do not leave the ice on for longer than twenty minutes at a time, so that you do not get ice burn. However, it is important to talk to your doctor, if you have any sort of nerve damage or circulation problems, before choosing to use ice as a treatment.
Ask Your Podiatrist About Medication
If you are in pain or have swelling, anti-inflammatory, over-the-counter medicines may be able to aid in reducing your symptoms. Medicines, such as ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Aleve, may be able to reduce your discomfort. Talk to your doctor first to make sure taking these types of medications are right for you.
Try Padding
Special pads are available for purchase at places, such as drug stores, to provide extra cushioning to the area of your bunion. Make sure that you talk to your doctor first to make sure that the padding is the right solution and fit for you. If padding is not the correct size, it can add more pressure and may eventually cause more problems.
Consider Surgery
If the other treatments have not provided you with effective results, and you are still in pain, surgical removal of your bunion may be what you need to eliminate the pain and other discomforts you may be experiencing. Surgery, performed by a doctor, is an effective way for adults to remove the swollen tissue and straighten their big toe, thus alleviating your pain and discomfort.
Contact Our Podiatrist in Uniondale that Accepts Medicaid
Bunions can make daily life uncomfortable and painful, especially when not taken care of properly. There are many different treatment options that you can look into to try and alleviate your discomfort. Here, at the CEC Health Center, your care is our top priority. If you think you need further assistance in your bunion treatment process, please contact our podiatrist in Uniondale that Accepts Medicaid today.