Preventing Foot and Ankle Injuries
Your foot is so much more complicated than you realize. It is made up of 26 bones and 33 joints! Your ankle joint alone has three bones in it, and these bones are held together throughout your foot and ankle by numerous ligaments, tendons, nerves, and muscles. All of these body parts help to support your whole body while walking, running, jumping, pretty much anything you do involving your feet. Unfortunately, the flexibility and strength of these joints and bones give our bodies a higher risk of injury. If you’re looking for a Podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts Medicaid then the CEC Health Center is the place for you!
The CEC Health Center provides integrated healthcare services at 3 of its locations. We provide care with compassion to impoverished community members with limited incomes. Also, we cater to those individuals with autism, learning disabilities, and behavioral health concerns. They focus on preventative healthcare to ensure healthy lifestyles and to minimize trips to the emergency room. The CEC Health Center services are available to all community members and accept Medicare, Medicaid, Medicaid Managed Care, and private insurance plans. Their physicians and support staff are bi-lingual in English and Spanish, and other interpreters are provided if needed by individuals.
Common Causes of Foot and Ankle Injury
The most common cause of foot and ankle injuries are car accidents and sports-related activities in fractures and sprains. Ordinary slips and falls lead to less severe injuries in those areas of the body. Other causes could be age-related wear and tear on the body. Calcium breakdown over the years will cause your bones to be more fragile as well. Any sports that rely on constant torque of the feet or ankles such as, football, hockey, baseball/softball, volleyball, running, skiing, snowboarding, etc., are ones to keep an eye on your foot and ankle health. Lastly, the type of shoes you wear is highly crucial if/any injuries would occur, such as bunions, corns, and calluses. Injuries can also be caused over time by overuse or repetitive motions done over a long period. Visit our Podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts Medicaid for all of your foot injuries today!
Common Injuries
The most common foot and ankle injuries are as follows:
- Arthritis – painful inflammation and stiffness are usually brought on by many degenerative joint conditions. Symptoms typically include swelling, tenderness, sharp pain, and sometimes even a fever.
- Bursitis – is caused by the inflammation of fluid-filled sacs that are supposed to reduce inflammation in the joints. An infection or an injury often brings on bursitis. Common symptoms are pain, swelling, or reduced range of motion.
- Fracture – fractures occur when the bone breaks through the skin after the bone break occurs. Stress fractures and hairline fractures occur when repeated stress continues on the bone.
- Sprains and Strains – Sprains are stretched or torn ligaments. A strain is similar to a sprain but occurs in the muscle as opposed to the ligaments.
- Tendonitis – this is the inflammation of tendons and is mainly caused by overuse. Symptoms of this are pain and decreased range of motion.
How To Prevent Foot and Ankle Injury With Our Podiatrist in Glen Cove That Accepts Medicaid
It’s straightforward to make sure that your foot and ankle health stay at the forefront of your everyday health and make sure that you prevent any kinds of injuries. Stretching before any physical activity for at least 15 minutes. Cross-training in different activities will help condition your muscles for any event. It is making sure that you are choosing the correct shoes for your foot shape. People whose feet pronate or who have low arches should choose shoes that support both the front and under the arch.
Those with stiffer feet or high arches should choose shoes with more cushion and a softer platform. Replace your shoes when the tread starts to run out. They should be replaced every six months. Try your best to avoid uneven surfaces, and if you have issues in your lower body, walking on a dirt road would be the best for you. Lastly, listen to your body when it is telling you something. If you have the pain of any kind, you need to get it checked or rest from your performing activities.
CEC Health Center – Podiatrist in Glen Cove That Accepts Medicaid
Finding a doctor that will cater to your needs in the most personal and professional way possible is what the CEC Health Center will do for you as a patient. Ensuring that your health needs are coming first and that your recovery is speedy and full of information that you need to go on with your life to make it healthy and happy for the long term. If you’re looking for a Podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts Medicaid then the CEC Health Center is the place for you!
Common Foot Problems in Older Adults?
Our feet are so crucial to our body, and it carries the weight of our bodies and experiences a lot of tearing. As we get older, foot problems become more familiar to us and can occur more frequently than we think, and you start to experience foot pain, stiffness or aching in your feet. At CEC Health Center, we want to make sure that we can provide you with the best care and excellent recovery from any pain that you can be experiencing. We need to ensure that we are offering you the best services possible as the Podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts Medicaid.
There are so many different foot problems that can occur, but we are going to take a look at the most common ones, including:
- Bunions: bony bumps that form on the joint at the base of your big toe
- Corns: smaller calluses that have a hard center surrounded by inflamed skin
- Calluses: hard and thick patches of skin
- Ingrown: the corner or the side of your toenail grows into the sift flesh
- Thickened or discolorated nails: this can be a sign to indicate that there is a fungal infection and can become painful.
- Diabetic foot conditions: change in skin color, swelling of the foot or ankle, and can include bunions, corns, calluses, and hammertoes
- Poor circulation: this can happen with many different conditions, some including smoking and obesity
- Heel pain: can be a sign of plantar fasciitis, which can happen when a spur is present in the heel.
Triggers of Foot Problems:
We want to make sure that you know that you are experiencing foot problems and avoiding the issue. Here are some situations where you can start to notice that foot pain on your own:
- The pain can come on suddenly and is severe (pinching, not being able to stand on your feet)
- Not being able to place any weight on your foot
- The area that is causing you pain is red or has any of the following symptoms listed above
- Having a fever in addition to having foot pain
Podiatrist in Glen Cove That Accepts Medicaid Foot Problems?
There are many different things that you can do on a daily that you might overlook that can cause you pain and foot problems in the future or even now. Also, there are so many ways that you can help yourself prevent that from happening. There is the fact that you can have an injury in your foot, whether it is a fracture or an injury that had taken its time to develop. You can overuse your foot which can cause inflammation that involves the bones, ligaments, or tendons in the foot that can cause foot pain. You can also find yourself having an injury in the nerve of your feet, which can result in intense burning, numbness, or tingling. Contact our Podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts Medicaid if you’re dealing with any of these complications.
Avoid Foot Problems Now and In The Future:
There are so many different things that you can do to make sure you can avoid those foot problems now and anywhere in the future. Below I am going to list something’s that you can do to help prevent foot problems:
- Choose comfortable, roomy, and well-cushioned shoes.
- Avoid shoes with high heels and that have narrow toe areas.
- Maintaining a healthy weight, in which you will not be putting a lot of pressure on your feet, and you will have enough support for yourself.
- It’s best to begin stretching before engaging in vigorous exercise.
- Practicing good foot hygiene
- Making sure you are always wearing footwear when you are outside to protect the bottom of your feet.
Contact Our Podiatrist in Glen Cove Tthat Accepts Medicaid
Yes, foot pain is common, but it should not be a normal part of life. We want to help you prevent the pain from becoming an everyday occurrence for you. We can offer those kinds of services to avoid injuries that can worsen for you in the long run. At CEC Health Center, we’re a Podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts Medicaid. We want to provide you with the best experience and the best possible care for yourself. Contact us for more information and to schedule an appointment with the CEC Health Center.
How Can I Treat My Bunions?
How Can a Podiatrist in Glen Cove that Accepts Medicaid Help My Bunions?
Bunions are bony bumps, that form over time, on the joint where your big toe meets your foot, which can cause great discomfort. Bulging lumps on this joint can be a visible sign of a bunion. The bunion may also be red or swollen, and can cause pain or discomfort in the area. If left untreated, bunions can grow, making it hard to move your toes. Especially the affected area near the big toe. Bunions can be caused for many reasons, including rheumatoid arthritis and shoes that do not fit properly. There are many ways to treat bunions, and listed below are some various treatment options to manage and alleviate your pain. Contact our Podiatrist in Glen Cove that Accepts Medicaid at CEC Health Center today to learn more.
Change Shoes
Although treating bunions may be more complicated than simply changing shoes, sometimes this is all you will need to manage your pain. If you are wearing shoes that are too tight, or are not proper footwear, bunions may form or worsen. Your shoes should have sufficient room for your toes. If you wear heels, try switching to heels that are lower than two inches. High heels can put unnecessary pressure on the front of your feet and can eventually cause bunions. If you are wearing uncomfortable shoes, especially ones that are tight or pointed, consider changing your footwear.
Apply Ice
If you have bunions that are swollen, sore, and/or painful, ice is a great treatment option to reduce the uncomfortable effects that bunions can cause. You can use an ice pack, or place ice in a towel and apply it to the affected area. It is important that you do not leave the ice on for longer than twenty minutes at a time, so that you do not get ice burn. However, it is important to talk to your doctor, if you have any sort of nerve damage or circulation problems, before choosing to use ice as a treatment.
Ask Your Podiatrist About Medication
If you are in pain or have swelling, anti-inflammatory, over-the-counter medicines may be able to aid in reducing your symptoms. Medicines, such as ibuprofen, Tylenol, and Aleve, may be able to reduce your discomfort. Talk to your doctor first to make sure taking these types of medications are right for you.
Try Padding
Special pads are available for purchase at places, such as drug stores, to provide extra cushioning to the area of your bunion. Make sure that you talk to your doctor first to make sure that the padding is the right solution and fit for you. If padding is not the correct size, it can add more pressure and may eventually cause more problems.
Consider Surgery
If the other treatments have not provided you with effective results, and you are still in pain, surgical removal of your bunion may be what you need to eliminate the pain and other discomforts you may be experiencing. Surgery, performed by a doctor, is an effective way for adults to remove the swollen tissue and straighten their big toe, thus alleviating their pain and discomfort.
Contact Our Podiatrist in Glen Cove that Accepts Medicaid
Bunions can make daily life uncomfortable and painful, especially when not taken care of properly. There are many different treatment options that you can look into to try and alleviate your discomfort. Here, at the CEC Health Center, your care is our top priority. If you think you need further assistance in your bunion treatment process, please contact our Podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts Medicaid today.
How Can I Treat My Plantar Fasciitis?
Have you been waking up in the morning experiencing very intense stabbing pain in the arch area of your foot? Do you not stretch often when you wake up in the morning? If you answered “yes” to both of these questions then you might be experiencing plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis is a very common foot injury that people endure that usually hurts them in the morning but then proceeds to stretch out and loosen as you walk around more throughout the day. If you are looking for a Podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts Medicaid, you should contact CEC Health Center to schedule an appointment.
What is Plantar Fasciitis?
Plantar Fasciitis is a common injury that is located around the heel bone. It is the inflammation of the plantar fascia tendon. This is which is a thick band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot to connect the toes to the heel. It then creates a stabbing pain in the heel area that usually hurts a lot more in the morning. The pain starts to decrease as you move more throughout the day. Even though there is no definite cause for plantar fasciitis there are some factors that might put you more at risk to it.
A runner who is overweight or who does not wear shoes with proper support might be more at risk. Also, switching to a new pair of shoes, that are not broken in, can have an effect on your feet. People who have odd walking mechanics can also be a risk, like flat feet or high arches. Lastly, someone’s occupation that has them on their feet more as well as standing and walking around could be more at risk to develop plantar fasciitis. More activity on the foot’s tendon is a key factor that increases the risk that someone might develop plantar fasciitis. Our podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts Medicaid would be able to properly educate you on the risk factors of plantar fasciitis and help you prevent developing it.
What Are The Symptoms?
Plantar fasciitis has some particular symptoms that you can test at home to see if you potentially have it. It is still advised to see a doctor so that they can diagnose you properly and provide you with the best type of treatment plan to help ease the pain. Some symptoms of plantar fasciitis are:
- Sharp heel pain
- Pain when flexing the foot tendons
- Foot pain after prolonged rest
- Foot pain after prolonged activity
- Heel tenderness
Best Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis
When seeing your main health physician it is important to tell them all the symptoms and problems that you have. They might recommend that you see a podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts Medicaid. This is someone who studies and specializes in feet. They have the insight and the expertise to properly diagnose and treat foot problems. We do this so that you can get back to doing the things you love to do. Plantar fasciitis is a very common condition that people suffer from. A podiatrist will most likely have prior experience and know the best plan of treatment. There are many different treatments that they can recommend and offer. We will be able to reduce the inflammation of the foot tendon. Some of the best treatments that they can offer to their patients are:
CEC Health Center
- Medications (could reduce the inflammation and the pain of the affected foot)
- Steroid injections (injected to the most painful area of the plantar fasciitis will reduce the pain for around a month, but will also lower the inflammation for longer than that)
- Shockwave therapy (will shock the plantar fasciitis with actual sound waves stimulating blood to the rest of the foot particularly in the inflamed area to help heal it)
- Prescribed orthotics (provide the feet will proper support tailored to your foot)
- Physical therapies (therapist can provide you with exercise and stretches to rebuild the strength of the foot muscles to improve mobility)
- Surgery (this would be a last resort if no other types of treatments are working or the plantar fasciitis is that severe)
There are some at-home stretches and remedies that you can do to yourself. These include:
- Changing your shoes
- Maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle
- Stretching the arches of your feet.
- Apply ice to the inflamed areas
How a Podiatrist in Glen Cove That Accepts Medicaid Can Help
CEC Health Center is here to help you by providing a wide array of services that will be able to serve your needs. Their service ranges from podiatry and neurology to dentistry and family medicine. The well-trained staff is always striving to provide their patients with the best care and service. We’re doing so by creating a safe, comfortable environment that people enjoy visiting. If you are looking for a podiatrist in Glen Cove that accepts medicaid, you should contact the CEC Health Center to schedule an appointment.