Health screenings are a form of preventative care in which a doctor performs various medical tests to check for signs or symptoms of medical conditions. It is important to stay aware of your health and inform your doctor of your feelings and changes. Here at CEC Health Center, our family medicine doctor in Levittown that accepts medicare can provide you with the proper health screening. A health screening process can vary greatly depending on your age, sex, and medical history. Generally, health screenings can check for things including but not limited to:
- Various types of cancer
- Diabetes
- High blood pressure or cholesterol
- Sexually transmitted infections
Receiving a Health Screening
Before you make an appointment for a health screening, it is important to talk with a doctor about what kind of health screening would be best for you. Write down a list of questions or symptoms you’ve been experiencing lately to ask the doctor. Talking with a doctor about how often you should get screened a year is also important, which can vary based on age, medical history, and current conditions. If you do not have a doctor and are looking for a family medicine doctor in levittown, contact us at CEC Health Center to discuss making an appointment with our team today.
Health Screening
Some health screening tests have risks, such as bleeding or the possibility for infection. Make sure to talk with your doctor about these potential risks. Also, make sure to ask for all the test screenings’ results. If you have difficulties understanding the results, you can always ask your doctor or a nurse to help explain them to you.
Family Medicine Doctor In Levittown That Accepts Medicare
If your doctor does not call you with the results after a few days or the amount of time that was said, call the office yourself and ask about the results. If you are looking for a family medicine doctor in levittown that accepts medicare, contact us at CEC Health Center to discuss receiving a health screening and making an appointment. Click here to learn more about our services today!